James Frizzell DDS

Frizzell Dental


Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, dentist Dr. James Frizzell provides clients of all ages with a wide range of dental options from his cutting-edge facility, Frizzell Dental. A dentist for more than 20 years, Dr. James Frizzell strives to offer a relaxing, soothing, and pain-free experience and environment to patients, and he credits two decades of success primarily on patient loyalty and referrals.

Cosmetic and aesthetic treatments form the core of Dr. James Frizzell’s profession. Some of the dentist's most popular services in this area include teeth whitening, porcelain crowns, bonding, inlays/onlays, tooth-colored fillings, and enamel shaping. In the realm of general and preventative dentistry, Dr. James Frizzell's clients receive routine cleanings, fluoride applications, tooth extraction, root canals, and periodontal therapy. Using the cleanest equipment and newest technologies, Dr. James Frizzell's restorative dentistry practice allows him to provide clients with new bridges and implants.

By regularly involving himself in professional dentist organizations like the Canadian Dental Association and the Ontario Dental Association, Dr. James Frizzell keeps abreast of the latest in dental technologies and often applies innovations to his practice. The Niagara Falls dentist's office treats clients to VELscope cancer screenings and low-radiation digital x-rays, along with advanced whitening procedures and veneers.

In addition to constantly improving in the practice of dentistry and customer satisfaction, Dr. James Frizzell enjoys giving back to the community. The dentist donateds his time and energy to performing charity dental work in Mexico. Also, Dr. James Frizzell traveled to America after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans to help re-build houses. Hobbies enjoyed by Dr. James Frizzell include fishing, watching ice hockey, and purchasing sports collectibles.


James Frizzell
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada